Export automation


There is no system for exporting data to the map. Everything that is displayed is uploaded manually by designers with each assembly. We need a convenient and easily upgradeable system that makes life easier for everyone

First, it was necessary to collect the main file from which all Pins and POI on maps were uploaded. Next, I sorted all glyphs and duplicates into rubrics, aligned by style and weight, and separately laid out infrastructure facilities. Finally, I disassembled Pins and POI into components and prepared them for direct export. And also collected a large table of colors (for maps and navigator — additional service).

The second huge layer is a system of unique subways POIs, Pins, exits, passages, and lines. Optimization here concerns part of elements. Metro glyphs and numbering of the entrances are automatically linked on the map

Last part of export, unloaded items, parking badges, transport events, and all the small details of the map that are not rendered